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What are the signs of a heart attack?

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2020 | Medical Malpractice |

A heart attack can come at a moment’s notice and is often fatal. While the actions following a heart attack significantly impact the chances of survival for the victim, the actions before one are just as important. Knowing how to recognize the signs of an inevitable heart attack can save your life or someone else’s life.

Heart failure is so prevalent in America that one person dies from it every 36 seconds. The signs of a heart attack appear only moments before the event, which is why it takes a sharp eye to spot them and take action to save a life. It is vital that everyone knows the signs of heart failure, so make sure you can recognize them.

The symptoms of a heart attack

There are five primary signs of a heart attack. What makes these signs deadly is that individually, they may not seem like anything serious. Identifying the signs in conjunction with each other is key in acting against a heart attack. The main symptoms of a heart attack include:

  1. Chest pain or discomfort: Do not confuse this as everyday aches and pains if you are also experiencing other signs.
  2. Dizziness and nausea: While getting up too fast can lead to lightheadedness, it may indicate a coming heart attack if it appears with nausea and vomiting.
  3. Neck, jaw, and back pain: This is another form of pain that is easy to ignore or write off. If you are experiencing this pain, consider any other symptoms you may have.
  4. Left-arm discomfort: This sign may be the most popular, but people still ignore any pain or numbness that they may experience in their left arm.
  5. Shortness of breath: If you find yourself unable to draw in deep breaths or have other troubles when breathing, sit down, and call for help.

The signs of a heart attack are alarming, but they also give you time to react to what is coming. If you suspect that you or someone near you is about to have a heart attack, designate someone to call an ambulance and make sure the potential victim is comfortably positioned. Follow any instructions the dispatcher on the phone may have, and you may be able to have a part in saving a life.